

Aug 23, 2023

MN: Taremi to Milan almost off

As the hours pass, it becomes more and more clear what has happened to make the deal that would see Mehdi Taremi join AC Milan collapse.

According to MilanNews, yesterday’s difficulties between the two clubs – with Porto having changed the economic conditions of the deal – had been overcome but it is those with the agents and intermediaries of the operation that are bringing the negotiations towards a dead end.

Jorge Mendes, Alireza Nikoomanesh and Pedro Pinto of Empower Sport have made very high financial demands for their commissions.

The way that the report puts it is as follows: “Basically, everyone wanted to dip their spoon into the cookie jar.” In other words, every party involved wanted a slice of the money.

This sudden change in the situation – after being one step away from closing the deal – has greatly irritated Milan, who continue to work on potential other options.

If no other target emerges within a few hours, Milan would find themselves forced to block Lorenzo Colombo’s move to Monza.

Yes, keep Colombo around. He deserved it, Pioli also already said that Colombo earned to be Giroud’s deputy.

Yes he could be the next Mbappe or Sheva 😀

Take a look at Zapata!!! His transfer to Roma fell through. I think there could be a chance, but it does not seem as though Milan have really taken a good look at him for some reason.

Because he’s been crap for ages, and injury prone

Wherever Jorge Mendes is involved, these kind of shEEt happens… nothing new

Yep. He’s a more money hungry than Mino was.

Just walk away – BS greedy agents

Where is your MR.X Moncada?


He’s…No Body

Where is Furlani instead? Why previous article claimed it’s just board members who went to Portugal to meet Porto?

You read that in one article and wanted it to be true? And now you’re bent out of shape about it? LOL!!! Moncada brought T E N targets to our club.

Ten? LoL

What a disaster. This deal should have been closed. Huge mistake and screw up by our management who up to now have done a great job signing (not selling) players. Wow

I’m glad the management are not willing to give into outrageous agent demands at the 11th hour to seal the deal. If Taremi really wants to come, it’ll get done. If everyone getting their beaks wet is more important to him then our management will rightfully walk away.

100% Furlani goes strictly by his own parameters and valuations and doesn’t give in. I admire that about this management. Agents, clubs, intermediaries need to know that you can’t try to milk Milan the last minute…

“Yes? Yes! No? F8ck Off!” approach.

Should have learned from Leao saga to stay away from Mendes.

Problem is, it’s not just Mendes! I can understand the agent in the deal – but there are like TWO other people asking to get paid.

Outrageous demands??? Reports just said the reason the deal is off is because we offered Taremi a salary of 1.5M???? LOLOLOLO. IF and I said IF that is true then we are the ones to blame. Period. If it’s Mendez trying to extort us then ya I get it – BUT IF we only offered him the same salary he is already making he would be dumb to take it and would be better off to just wait to become a FA and test the open market. We pay Caldara 2M season and we aren’t willing to pay a player who’s cored 80 goals over the last 3 seasons more than 1.5M??? Insane

Columbo is gone to Monza.

So we have only Giroud as a #9 as Origi is out of the team and Okafor is a natural LW

What a disaster.

By our management? LMAO!!! Are you not understanding what you’re reading? Sources are reporting that the player’s entourage is stalling the deal because everyone wants to get paid. And you keep singing the same tune “our management f*cked up”??? Dense…..

Just another day of LOLOLO blindly hating on the new management as usual. Karen 2.0.

I think Milan needs to pull out of this deal on principle at this point. Absolutely ridiculous. The hardest part of the negotiations used to be agreeing with the club over the transfer. Nowadays, you have to agree not only with the club but with the agent, intermediary, mother, father, grandmother and the neighborhood tramp…

What’s the transfer market coming to? Absolute circus. So I say, they pull out of the deal, use Lorenzo then reattempt Taremi in the winter practically for free. Hopefully by then Taremi will have told everyone around him to EFF off.

Right on the money. People seem to think that as “big club” we should just fork over whatever is demanded and be done with it. I say we leverage our brand to stick to our guns and not get bossed around by agents and intermediaries.

@ACM1899 @Flossonero

I wanted Teremi as I felt he could do a job immediately and be a useful constant when we lose Giroud next summer and likely bring in a young “potentially superstar” striker

However I agree with both of you. When it comes to agents commissions , especially multiple agents, we have to walk away as they get greedy. Agents need to realise that it’s them causing the deals to collapse and that by getting greedy they run the risk of no deal and therefore zero commission.

In an ideal world more players would see clubs walking away and basically severe ties with agents that ask for high commissions. It’s all very well a player getting greedy with wages (not the case I hear with taremi he agreed personal terms quickly) but at least they are gauging their ability to repay on the pitch. But agents fees? That’s a straight loss to the club, we’re just donating money to fat cats like Mino Raiola a few years ago.

Sadly, we miss out on a good/affordable experienced striker but sometimes you gotta think of the long term. Right decision from management I think.

Oh cr@p I thought we had this one in the bag. It’s not a disaster though. I suppose we’ll have to keep Mr Itching For Monza Colombo… Or maybe there’s an 11th hour swoop coming our way.

Kudos to milan who won’t bow down to those greedy agents.They put their foot down.Let this be an example for future agents to not mess with milan.

Well, I applaud Inter for walking away from Samardzic saga and will applaud Milan for walking away from similar situation here. The more I read about this, the more alarm bells are sounding..

Generally, fans need to also realize that signing one player doesn’t make or break the season. When Maldini/Massara failed to closed the deal for CDK even after travelling to Brugge HQ, a lot were insulting/ridiculing them and saying that we will miss out on CDK – who we all knows how he turns out unfortunately. Then the very same people who insulted Maldini for failing to sign CDK initally then turned against CDK as quickly as his performances kept dropping and blame Milan for overpaying.. Nice.

I like Taremi, I thought he could do good with us and amongst the names bandied about, he appeared to be most suited. But, I hate this kind of circus and this is just a huge red flag. Sometimes, there’s just some kind of gut feeling that you need to walk away.

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As the hours pass, it becomes more and more clear what has happened to make the deal that would see Mehdi Taremi join AC Milan collapse.