

Jun 10, 2023

The Green Umbrella Day Nursery receives Good Ofsted rating

A NURSERY in Weston has received a 'Good' Ofsted rating following an inspection last month.

The Green Umbrella Day Nursery, located on Milton Road, was inspected on July 26, 2023.

The Ofsted report reads: "The curriculum is well-designed and offers children a range of experiences across all areas of their learning.

"Young children thoroughly enjoy using tongs to sort the plastic bears. They listen to songs well and copy the snapping movements demonstrated by staff to help them use the tongs successfully.

"These young children play well together and receive praise for sharing the resources nicely. Older children have time to be quiet and calm.

"They choose favourite books and retell the story, explaining to the inspector how Lily has been unkind and blamed 'blue kangaroo' for something that he did not do.

"Children show pride in their achievements. They keenly share their displayed artwork with the inspector, talking about their creation and what they know about rainbows.

"Staff respectfully invite children to join a focused activity and value their decisions. Toddlers are keen and motivated to learn, exploring the outdoor area on their bug hunt. Children learn to handle the bugs with care, and comment how they feel 'a bit slimy'.

"Children are keen to carry out their investigations independently, using tools, such as magnifying glasses, confidently.

"Older children show curiosity as they explore ice balloons. They share what they know about ice and how to make it. Children think how best to melt the ice and work together to achieve."

The nursery was also praised for its safeguarding policies. The inspector wrote: "Staff implement regularly reviewed policies and procedures effectively to ensure that children remain safe.

"For example, staff record any injuries children arrive with and monitor these efficiently, alongside the designated safeguarding lead (DSL). All staff have secure knowledge of the possible indicators that a child is at risk of harm."

It was said that management oversee the curriculum well. The report reads: "The manager has good oversight of the curriculum. She regularly monitors the quality of staff interactions and the impact the well-designed curriculum has on children's learning."

To improve, it was noted that staff need to support less-confident children and ensure that everyone stays focused and engaged during small-group time.