

Jul 28, 2023

Jiggers disrupt learning in Butere schools

Jiggers have infested a number of schools in Butere constituency, Kakamega county adversely affecting academic standards.

Teachers from the various schools, mostly primary, said learners were skipping classes and dropping out altogether as they were unable to walk or focus on learning.

Spot-checks by the People Daily established that many of the affected schools had earthen floors.

“Jigger infestation has been a big headache for us in the past few years which is taking a toll on our academic performance because of chronic absenteeism,” said Joan Kweya, the deputy head teacher of Buyoka Primary School.

The school managers said smearing the classrooms with cow-dung had become a major challenge because it was unavailable.

“We always rely on the pupils to bring in cow-dung for maintenance of the classrooms but many say they can no longer find it in their homes. So we just sprinkle water and sweep. But this has not remedied the situation,” said Barbra Nandwa, the deputy head teacher of Shitsitswi Primary School.

The schools said they had made several appeals to the area Constituency Development Fund committee to help by cementing the floors in vain.

Butere MP Tindi Mwale was not available for comment as his phone went unanswered. He did not also reply to our text messages.